Flaming Amy’s Burrito Ride

Ride Description: Flaming Amy’s Burrito Ride is a popular early evening ride that originates near Flaming Amy’s Burrito Barn and includes a leisurely 2 mile (or so) ride through local neighborhoods on the way to Greenfield Lake at which point the group congregates in a small parking lot. A lap around Greenfield lake is about 4.5 miles. How many laps can you do – 1, 2, or 3 before regrouping at the starting point for a leisurely return trip to Flaming Amy’s. After all that work, stay and enjoy a Flaming Amy’s Burrito!
Ride Instructions & Rules:
- This ride is conducted under the Cape Fear Cyclists COVID ride rules, please review prior to the ride and follow them
- Please sign the new CFC liability waiver and bring it to the ride.
- If you need a ride map, please print out the ride map and bring it to the ride.
- Please arrive to the ride start location at least 15 minutes prior to the ride start time.
- Please visit www.capefearcyclists.org and review CFC ride policies.
- If the forecast includes temperatures below 38 F, wind chill down to 32 F, or rain/wet roads at the start time, the ride will be cancelled.
Ride Communications:
- We currently use the SLACK app to provide up-to-the-minute ride changes and weather info. CLICK HERE to get started. https://capefearcyclists.slack.com
- Monitor the CFC Slack channel “Wednesday-pm-ride-schedule” before the ride for last minute ride information or cancelation.
Ride Parking: Meet at Able Insurance which is next to Flaming Amy’s on Oleandar Drive just east of 41st Street. Please park in the Able Insurance parking lot.
Ride Pace:
The ride offers paces for all riders. It’s a leisurely ride over and back. Loops at Greenfield Lake are at your own pace. Most riders complete two laps before regrouping for the return trip. Fast riders can get three laps in and for those that just want a relaxing ride around Greenfield Lake, one lap works well.
Ride Maps:
- Q-Sheet: See Below
General Information:
First time riders are welcome. If you enjoy the experience, pick up a membership from at your local bike shop or visit www.capefearcyclists.org for instructions on joining the club. Membership not only supports the club and cycling advocacy, it extends insurance coverage to you on club rides.
Route Map